Monday, March 14, 2011

a mom's bucket list

man, i'm on a roll this week! that's usually how it happens for me. either i'm bursting with ideas and writing in my head all day or i got nothin. for weeks at a time. anyway, have you seen the bucket list? i actually haven't, i don't watch any movie where i know people are dying. but i do know what it's about. i think they have things like sky diving on their list. i'm thinking a mom's list is quite different from any other...

before i die i'd like to...

~eat one meal on time, the right temperature while not holding a child or cutting up someone else's food.

~ have a washer that doesn't get stuck on rinse and a dryer that dries completely the first time.

~ attend an honest to goodness cocktail party, dress and all. one that i do not have to stop home in the middle of to nurse a baby.

~ take a tropical vacation, no kids. sigh...

~ spend an entire day alone in my own house.

~fit into my really skinny jeans. (they're a size 0. i doubt i'll even be able to squeezed into those when i'm already dead. even if i die of starvation)

~ have a romantic evening with my husband without once worrying that by some freak of nature i'm going to get pregnant.

~ an entire day with no disciplining

~ walk into my laundry room and not see dirty clothes

~ but top of the list would be to live long enough to see these children grow and marry and have children of their own. happy and healthy and living close to mom :)


Mile High Mom said...

Oooooo! Good ones! (I might have to steal this idea) I'm going to get to do a lot of this this weekend, when my boys leave for Ohio, while I stay here. 4 whole days alone in my house! Can you believe it? I'm the same way with writing too. Feast or famine!
Oh, and the romantic night? If you are already pregnant, like me, you don't have to worry about getting pregnant. It works.....

Carol said...

This is definitely a great Mom Bucket List! Mine would be very similar...except for I might a day with no diapers or wiping kid butts on it!

themrs said...

@MHM, i'm sooo jealous! i don't think i've ever been alone in my house for more than two hours. that sounds heavenly!

@carol, that's a GOOD one! i can't believe i didn't think of that one :)