so apparently the new craze is twitter. i know
all my friends are doing it, blah blah blah... but do i
really need another way to social network? (did you know that social network is a verb now? see! you learned something new here) i mean, between facebook, myspace, blogging, email, etc. do people really have a need to know more about me? have i not put enough out there? do people really give a crap what i'm doing every living second of the day? if they do they should really try to get out more.
i'm bored by my daily life so i can't see how it would be interesting to anyone else. not to mention, twitter is kind of an extension of one of my facebook pet peeves. what is that, you ask? people who literally update their status every three minutes to let us know what their doing...
12:03 SoandSo is doing some laundry
12:06 SoandSo is making a sandwich for lunch
12:09 SoandSo is getting a glass of milk for their sandwich
get over yourself. nobody needs to know that. i don't even care to hear those details about my current fav celeb (cough*cough*rpattz*). do i need to know you just let the dog out to pee? or that your kid just woke up from a nap? NOPE!
so if any of you use twitter and can give me a legitimate reason why it's necessary, maybe i'll reconsider. until then...
1:27 TheMrs is putting her kids down for a nap