Monday, January 26, 2009

update on yesterdays post...

he's alive and well, so no need for a good alibi:) i have some raging PMS right now and for some reason he has the talent of really bringing it out! maybe because i can't take it out on the kids. thank goodness he's patient with me:)


Susan said...

That's the same way it is in this house too! My husband just has a way of making me want to slap the... out of him when I'm like that! He just knows how to push those buttons, and he admits that he knows when he's doing it!!! (after the fact of course =))
I think the reason we take it out on them IS b/c we can't take it out on the kids, or other family members. Plus we know that they'll put up with our crap since we put up with theirs! =)

Samantha@IW said...

Amen girls- I do the same thing. When I start a PMS rant my husband has started looking at me and saying "I'm sorry." right away- it makes me laugh immediatley and I realize I'm being a PMS dragon lol.