Tuesday, March 17, 2009


i can't seem to type a coherent blog entry these days. there are too many things going through my head at once to articulate. a few minutes ago i was wondering if i'll ever be able to get through an entire roll of aluminum foil without one of my kids unrolling it. it seems to happen every time! then i started reading a message board i frequent and i couldn't concentrate on what they were saying because there were so many grammatical errors. i know, i'm anal. but seriously, this poster said that if someone she knew did what we were discussing she would read them the "right act". are you kidding me? some people just shouldn't be allowed near the internet. then i head over to this other site and there is some poster foaming at the mouth about something totally inane from a tv show. seriously, you should go outside more. speaking of outside, i told my brother to go outside today on facebook. he's a video game addict and all he posts on his status updates is info about this game he plays. so today, i told him to go outside. it's 70 degrees here. this weekend it was in the thirties. i got some angry response! not from my brother, from one of his video game junkie friends! this kid is lucky i don't know where he is. don't tick off the pregnant woman. it's not a good idea. see what i mean? no coherent thoughts...


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness ur pregnant again??????? oh, im SO jealous!! I have a 10 yr old boy, 5 yr old boy, and a 6mo old boy and i just don't think i CAN have any more. I mean physically, i can, but mentally, I dont think so. =( With homework, and playtime, and chores, and errands, and the baby, and then time for the hubby, and time for ME! i just dont think i could manage another one. and it makes me sad. But let me not pee on ur parade! LOL congrats!!! oh, and is the game World of Warcraft by any chance??????????

themrs said...

OH mY WORD it is World of Warcraft! I swear that game is evil