From the front of the store all the way to the back to frozen foods. And that was an hour early. So I hopped in line, made some new friends and accepted the kids would have to eat peanut butter and jelly for another day. Oh wait, we’re out of jelly. Make that peanut butter and nothing.
this is the phone of one of my new friends in line... how awesome is that!?
these two ladies were next to me in line~ one was a total twihard and the other just saw twilight for the first time this week! i have to admit i was a little jealous, remember seeing it for the first time? *sigh
So in honor of this momentous occasion, this week’s top ten list will be all about new moon. Did you expect anything less???
Top ten best things about New Moon!
10. the directing is 100% better than twilight! Don’t get me wrong, you know I heart twilight. But some of those scenes are just too much. New moon was less awkward pause and more excitement. That’s saying a lot considering it’s the least action of all the books. That’s good writing and good directing.
9. the depression scene. Could you ever have imagined that reading three blank pages with only the names of months could have such an impact? I wondered how they would manage to convey that and they did a great job. Very powerful.
8. the wolf pack. I can’t say too much more… they’re teenagers and I’m married.
7. Jane. Who would’ve guessed Dakota fanning could be so creepy and perfect as Jane? When I heard they had cast her I thought it was nuts. Until I saw her! She’s perfect for that role.
6. Jessica. She was definitely funny in the first movie but she stole the show in new moon. Her expressions, her looks, total comedy.
5. the special effects. Remember the running through the tree scene in twilight? Terrible. With that precedent set I was truly afraid to see how they’d pull off the transformation of wolves. I stand humbled and corrected! From the minute I saw the early trailer I was hooked. Great CGI!
4. visions of Edward… how very creative. Anyone who can take the one story without Edward and write it so that we’re not longing for him for the entire two hours is genius. ‘nuf said.
3. the soundtrack. I have to admit that I still love the twilight soundtrack more but the new one is growing on me. As enamored as I am with Bella’s lullaby I have really grown to love the song from the meadow.
2. Jacob black. For those of us who had read the books, twilight was a tease as far as Jacob was concerned. In new moon we finally got to see the Jake we know and love. No matter what “team” you’re on, you gotta love Jacob. Even if you don’t, at least he’s shirtless! (oh wait, he’s 17…..he’s 17…)
1. and the #1 BEST thing about new moon? Edward comes back and he proposes.
Enjoy your new moon viewing! Leave me a comment and tell me your favorite thing!
I was actually a little disappointed with New Moon. I don't know...I didn't think the acting was very good and in some spots the camera angles were annoying.
I thought some of the romantic moments between Bella and Edward looked awkward and embarrassing like the actors didn't have the chemistry they did in Twilight. Mainly the scene in front of the painting and then the kiss by the truck. Idk it just seemed fake.
And I was really disappointed with the way the break up scene played out. Kristen's acting, the directing, music etc. it just didn't come together for me.
And what was with Edward's first scene where he's walking from his car? And the music? Like Robert Pattinson really needed that "Look at me I'm so hot!" scene and like we really needed the reminder? lol
I was really impressed with the CGI. I thought the wolves were awesome and I really liked everything that was shot in Italy. The Volturi were amazing! Somehow the actor playing Aro made him even creepier than what he seems in the book!
I was actually a little disappointed with New Moon. I don't know...I didn't think the acting was very good and in some spots the camera angles were annoying.
I thought some of the romantic moments between Bella and Edward looked awkward and embarrassing like the actors didn't have the chemistry they did in Twilight. Mainly the scene in front of the painting and then the kiss by the truck. Idk it just seemed fake.
And I was really disappointed with the way the break up scene played out. Kristen's acting, the directing, music etc. it just didn't come together for me.
And what was with Edward's first scene where he's walking from his car? And the music? Like Robert Pattinson really needed that "Look at me I'm so hot!" scene and like we really needed the reminder? lol
I was really impressed with the CGI. I thought the wolves were awesome and I really liked everything that was shot in Italy. The Volturi were amazing! Somehow the actor playing Aro made him even creepier than what he seems in the book!
Ok I totally disagree with Sassy!! I loved New Moon. Everything except that stupid scene from Alice's vision for Aro to see where Bella and Edward are running in the forest. That could have been done so much better. Anyways my favorite part of the movie is Edward!! Sorry I am totally Team Edward!! I also liked the volturi scenes. BTW I am the girl with the Edward Iphone in line behind you!!
welcome lisa! it was great meeting you the other night! i don't believe there IS any other team, lol :) although theMr is team jacob. that's grounds for divorce in my book! anyway, i agree with you. the part with them running through the woods was a bit much. just because she's a vampire she'll be wearing dresses and no shoes? seriously? i'd rather they shown some hot vampire lovin lol :) i thought overall it was much better done than TW. i'm super excited about eclipse though as it's one of my favorite books!
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