Thursday, August 19, 2010

vacation top ten!

well, it's back to the real world! after a week in sunny, beautiful myrtle beach we are back in the groove. we had several travel issues but the kids were great, the weather was great and it was a much needed break! without further ado...

Top Ten Best Parts of Vacation!

10. sun, sun and more sun! we all (well, except Esme!) came back brown and tan. it was super hot and didn't rain until the last day!

9. truly relaxing! when was the last time i went an entire week without mopping a floor or cleaning a toilet? probably not since i lived at home! i could get used to it!

8. smelling the ocean. all else fades away for me when i smell the ocean. it just feels like home to me. odd since i live in ohio!

7. no phone calls, no facebook, no appointments! my phone didn't ring all week. the WIFI was so bad i was rarely on the internet. it was good to be unplugged for a week. really good.

6. watching my kids have a blast in the ocean! the four older children all loved it. there was little fear and lots of laughing. they're ready to go back now... i am too!

5. kids were super tired after swimming all day- yay! there were no bedtime struggles, even though the four oldest were all in one bedroom. there were too exhausted at night to argue!

4. a date night that included night swimming in the ocean alone. a first for us... hopefully not the last!

3. a really nice resort. our condo was directly across from the playground and the pool area which was extremely convenient. we could let the bigger kids play at the playground and see them right out the front windows.

2. sleeping in, a relaxed schedule and just general hanging out. we adhere to such a strict schedule at home it was really nice to not worry about it. everyone except the baby did fine! lol

1. an entire week together as a family. sometimes life gets in the way of, well, life. schedules and work and responsibilities make it easy to live together and never really spend time together. it was great to have family dinners every night (not a possibility at home due to theMr's work schedule) and just be together. well worth the stress and money and all that went into making this trip happen!

although we're sad it's over, we can start to dream about next year...

maybe a trip without kids.... dare i even suggest it? we'll have to see....

happy end of the summer to you!

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